Rhema Economic
Research & Development Inc.

Originally, Rhema was created to serve Ontario, Upland, Rancho Cucamonga, and the San Bernardino County areas in California. We now know Rhema will serve the People and Community wherever WE ARE NEEDED.


Our Mission is to empower homeowners who are prospective victims or who have been victimized by ILLEGAL FORECLOSURE and MORTGAGE FRAUD. Specifically, Rhema aims to empower people by offering education, knowledge and resources to navigate the Lending, Foreclosure, and mortgage fraud process when purchasing a home or refinancing a loan that still plagues America.


Rhema Economic Research & Development, Inc attended the FIRST MORTGAGE FRAUD SUMMIT hosted by former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder’s office in September 2010. On December 10th Rhema hosted their OWN/FIRST Mortgage Fraud Summit in collaboration with the U.S General Holder’s office of Civil Division Financial Fraud Enforcement task force TITLED “Mortgage Fraud Uncovered: A Call to Arms”.

The Summit gathered major figures from the government and banking worlds to speak on the origins and consequences of DISHONEST LENDING PRACTICES. This summit was supported by then/current Ontario California mayor Paul LeonDr. William K. Black, a former federal bank regulator, white collar criminologist, law professor, and famous for prosecuting Charles Keating in the Savings and Loan debacles. Lastly, there was Nomi Prins who was the ex managing director at Goldman Sachs, Under Ex CEO and former Secretary of State Henry (Hank) Paulson.

Rhema, previously and currently has racked over thousands of miles traveling to Sacramento California to Lobby Politicians to protect homeowners from mortgage fraud and illegal foreclosure. Rhema was vocal to push their representatives to vote in Favor of the HOMEOWNERS BILL OF RIGHTS (HBOR).

To date, Rhema has educated and empowered over 500 homeowners, and has been continuing to do so since its creation. Although we have been quiet for the last five years. We have still been spreading the word about the illegal foreclosures and mortgage fraud that make up the American Foreclosure Conspiracy. WE ARE BACK WITH EVER STRONGER RESOLVE, A CLEAR PURPOSE, and PASSION that cannot be dimmed.

Rhema is a member of the Black Coalition for Non-Profits


Rhema plans to accomplish this by RAISING AWARENESS through EDUCATION. This education starts with the awareness on the subject of illegal foreclosure and mortgage fraud that have been and are currently taking place in the U.S as well as us sharing OUR TRUTH/STORY to the world through this website the American Foreclosure Conspiracy.com.

ENGAGEMENT – Rhema will engage the public through education. Rhema will create, host, sponsor, or facilitate seminars, town halls, webinars, or lobby to spread the first hand knowledge they have about the American Foreclosure Conspiracy!


LOBBYING, filing lawsuits against, protesting against, picketing or Freedom of Information Requests to the Banking, Housing, Credit Rating Agency, federal reserve, regulators, Office of the COMPTROLLER of Currency, U.S county recorder office’s, and Mortgage industries to fix this problem they helped create.

Whether it is mortgage fraud or illegal foreclosure, WE BELIEVE that one of the major Crux’s to fix the American Foreclosure Conspiracy is to Take the approach that SUPREME COURT JUSTICE Thurgood Marshall’s took to DESTROY segregation and Jim Crow Laws in the South.

What does this look like? This means LAWMEN and WOMEN travel all around the United States to courts to challenge the FRADULENT paperwork that plagues Unlawful detainer courts, and County recorders offices throughout the U.S.

RACISM is the elephant in the room that we as U.S homeowners cannot ignore when it comes time to mortgage fraud and illegal foreclosures in the United States.

Lower income African Americans receive 2.4 times as many subprime loans than lower income whites, while upper income African-Americans receive 3 times more than do whites with comparable incomes. Compared to whites, lower income Hispanics receive 1.4 times the number of subprime loans. In every metropolitan area included in the study, high concentrations of racial disparities in subprime lending were found among African-Americans and Hispanics. (CCC, 2002, pp. vii–viii)


Rhema believes in the Philanthropic mindset. It is not just about doing the right thing. It is about doing the right thing so we can try to leave this earth a little better than we found it. A certain percentage of every dollar will be donated directly to aid families in the United States who have or are currently experiencing mortgage fraud or an illegal foreclosure. Rhema will lobby philanthropic people, entities, and organizations sympathetic to problem of the American Foreclosure Conspiracy on behalf of the American people.

*This website is dedicated to the Steward of GOD, the Captain of Ontario, the Fighter of Flames, Protector of San Bernardino County, The Publics’ advocate, Ambassador of Mt. Zion, The gentle GIANT, My BROTHER*


Growing up in Ontario California, in a strong, tight nit, Christian family, I was raised to respect and obey the law. More specifically, to not lie, cheat, or steal. To treat others how I want to be treated and how God commands us to love thy neighbor. Me my sisters, and brother were taught at an early age about working hard, doing the right thing, and the importance of conducting ourselves in a respectable and honest manner when conducting business. We watched my mom and dad Elvenia and James Bratton, acquire, manage, and explain how to acquire the AMERICAN DREAM through home ownership. In total they acquired 12 properties that started as starter homes to help family members get off on the right foot as well as to let them experience a safe home environment. Their goal was to encourage us to chase the American dream and to show us that it was possible for people like us. This is a story about one of those properties that was my childhood home, that later became mine.