Growing up in Ontario California, in a strong, tight nit, Christian family, I was raised to respect and obey the law. More specifically, to not lie, cheat, or steal. To treat others how I want to be treated and how God commands us to love thy neighbor. Me my sisters, and brother were taught at an early age about working hard, doing the right thing, and the importance of conducting ourselves in a respectable and honest manner when conducting business. We watched my mom and dad Elvenia and James Bratton, acquire, manage, and explain how to acquire the AMERICAN DREAM through home ownership. In total they acquired 12 properties that started as starter homes to help family members get off on the right foot as well as to let them experience a safe home environment. Their goal was to encourage us to chase the American dream and to show us that it was possible for people like us. This is a story about one of those properties that was my childhood home, that later became mine.