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Joanna Mendelson at this point in time was a senior investigator researcher and Director of special projects for the Anti-Defamation League. the ADL is one of the oldest civil rights organizations in the country, dedicated to fighting antisemitism, extremism, and bigotry since 1913. In particular Ms. Mendelson was part of the panel which focuses on monitoring extremist groups. She had been at the ADL for seventeen years when she was called to testify in court. She went on to say that her specific duties were to monitor and track extremist related activity from hate groups to domestic terrorists, including antigovernment extremists.

First, it should be noted to the reader, that as of April 6,2017 while Ms. Mendelson was in court testifying, she stated that she ” was newly assigned to focus on sovereign citizen activity, not only here in California, but on a national scope since January of that year. So, for the first four months of 2017 Ms. Mendelson became an expert on sovereign citizens and the movement by watching numerous videos on YouTube, tracked message boards and communications online, tracked Facebook profiles and Gurus, as well as work with law enforcement in this capacity to stop this illegal activity. SHE DESCRIBED THE SOVEREIGN CITIZEN MOVEMENT AS SUCH.

She even admits that it is rare for a sovereign citizen to write an address or use a mailing address, BOTH THINGS Barbara Bratton has always done. Although they tried to make her look like a sovereign citizen they failed horribly. Barbara Bratton back then and until this very day believe that the court system is legitimate and exists. Never once in Barbara’s life has, she ever tried to clog the court system with frivolous lawsuits in general or against people. Barbara Bratton has never in her entire life filed a bogus lien on a person’s property clouding their title of ownership.

The prosecution then showed Ms. Mendelson exhibit four and five, and they slowly started going through the document so she could point out any verbiage that jumps out to her as sovereign citizen language or ideology. She stated that the first thing she does is look at a mailing address to get clues. She stated that the zip codes in brackets was troubling because that is not the traditional way to send a letter. She further added that these brackets indicate a magical way of thinking that people who do this are crazy radical people outside the normal confines of government. When in actuality it is just a protocol many people still use to lump area codes and numbers degree. Especially in three-digit intervals.

Right above in this picture you see the prosecution and Ms. Mendelson turn a document an unexperienced women found on the internet trying to save her home into her being a sovereign citizen extremist.

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