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The problem with this is that Barbara is a REASNOABLE PERSON, and she STRONGLY believes a homeowner in her position would have done the same exact thing with the same information. Here, the prosecution is trying to make Barbara look like she totally disregarded the law. When in actuality, only after Barbara had gotten validation from the Ca Attorney general of fraud in regard to her loan, sale of her home at auction, and all of the actors involved in the process, did she resort to drastic measures with filling out the two deeds. Which was something that SHE HAD NEVER DONE IN HER ENTIRE LIFE PRIOR TO THIS.

The problem with lines 23-25 is that all Barbara was doing for most of the time was being manipulated, lied to, and lead down a path that led to nowhere. The only reason Barbara missed a payment was because SHE WAS INSTRUCTED TO DO SO. When she finally figured out what she believed was going on with her situation and so many other people like her in the U.S fighting predatory lending and mortgage fraud, she realized that by being instructed to not make her mortgage payment, on the back end secretly, entities along with whoever is servicing the loan have already started the process to sell a person’s home as well as drain the equity in their home. When they realize what hit them, many times it is too late, and a person’s home has been sold at auction from underneath them.

Barbara and RHEMA HAVE NO IDEA; all we can do is speculate as to WHY THE JUDGE OR ANYONE LOOKING WOULD NOT WANT TO LOOK AT A prior unlawful detainer case which has to do with a huge portion of explaining her criminal case?

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